Friday, March 1, 2013

Dolores Cannon

Me and Dolores Cannon
DC has written a LOT of books. Seventeen to be precise. I know this because she told me yesterday afternoon when I met her at the conference! She let me take a pic with her. See?
She's been doing hypnotherapy for a very long time 30 year or more and basically relays these incredible things that people tell her into her books. There were moments when the ETs actually spoke through the hypno clients and she was able to ask about anything she wanted. You can read these things in her books that she has written.
It's funny because she always says the same thing each time she speaks. She always asks to have the lights dimmed so she can see the people in the audience. I've watched all of her IUFOC videos from the past times. 

My Summary before the speech
In summary she usually talks about her history where she started doing hypnotherapy to help ppl stop smoking, etc. Then she got into the weird side of this with past life regressions, UFO, etc. She said that previously none of this existed. It's nice to hear this because it makes you appreciate where she's coming from and where we're going. She developed her own technique to do this. She started past life regression in the 1970s. She said that publishers told her what the heck is all this talking about? In the 80s when the UFO books started coming out she had already had the books out. Dolores looks very healthy and aware.
Her Presentation
So she's been doing crop circle, UFO investigations for about 25 years now. She says nothing scares her because she has a curiosity. It makes her want to ask a lot of questions.
At first, she went through basic stuff like going on the craft and all and then the ETs started talking to her. The first time she said the client's voice changed to something robotic. She says that after all her investigations, she hasn't found even one that is negative. She says that if you do hypnotherapy and stay in the light level of trance there is still a lot of fear there. This is why she tries to get them into the deepest level of trance to get the deepest level possible for all details.
They told her fear is the most powerful emotion that humans have. It colors the experience when abducted.

The ETs have been around since beginning of the world. Their job has been to take care of us because they created us. She says that the are councils over everything such as the earth, galaxy, everything. They can't do anything without permission. The main rule is they can never harm a human being. She says no one has an experience they don't want before they come into this life. We agree to it. We are the only planet in the universe where we forget about our life before we come in, we basically make an agreement before we come in. Our subconscious is what makes the agreement. Earth is a school to where we come and help them learn as art of the great experiment.
Their job is to travel the cosmos to create life. They are called "The Archaic Ones". Once planets can support life, they came and decided which sort of life could be created here. They combine and manipulate genes for whatever will grow on that planet. The archaic ones say we have no idea how fragile life is. If they created a multi-celled organism and went back to check it and saw it had died off. This is how life started on earth. Archaic ones had to come back many times to se how we were doing. They're also called "The Watchers". We're the only planet in the universe where we have free will. they want to see what we would do with it.
So all of this is a lesson. Earth is most difficult to live on. it's hardest, densest, heaviest. Can't go lower than earth. we have to learn emotions and limitations. ETs do have emotions that we do but they do have emotions but not the same range as us. On some planets , jealousy is considered a disease. She said that the ETs picked the ape to build us from because they had hands. and we could build a civilization. While dolphins were smarter, apes could build.
The ETs came and lived among the people to give them the next advancement they were going to need. Every culture has the legend of The Culture Bringer. They always come from the sky or across the ocean. They lived as long as they wanted to live and they were considered Gods and Goddesses. Since thy can't live among us they put the ideas into peoples' minds. They implant the idea so have it in their heads and can develop it.
she said their Prime Directive in Star Trek is similar to them. They cannot interfere in the direct development of us. They can only interfere if we're going to blow up the world. Personally, this makes me think of the UFO sightings where a UFO disabled a missile that was being filmed and someone caught it.

Atlantis got to the point where it had to be stopped before they destroyed the world. The ETs wanted us to be so much but things happened in dev of earth that interfered in their plan.
For ex: a meteorite hit earth and brought disease. They didn't know hat to do. They went back to council and asked to do. They asked if they should start over again or let develop knowing they were never going to be perfect (with disease). Many abductions are to watch our health.
They're always testing the human bodies to see how we're being affected. They test cattle(cause of mutilations). They're giving ideas to scientists to dev cures. .. one time she asked if giving corn to ppl is interference. They said no that they give it to us one time to see what we'll do with it. That's free will but many times we don't use it the way they intended it.

So flash forward to WWII and the H bomb (third lecture ref this topic). the bomb made them come down to earth to see what was going on. They went to council and came up with a great idea. Since they can't influence from outside, so they decided to influence from the inside. They asked many alien beings to be born into this world .. beings without karma. pure souls. Maybe they can make a difference. Dolores started to notice in her regressions that not so many of these ppl had past lives but lives in other worlds. They wanted new energy brought into affect what was going on with us on this planet. So these people have come here in THREE WAVES. These waves fit into age groups.
She found two place where these souls are coming from. Some come from spirit.. never been in a body. This must be a shock. they have no idea what it must be like to be in a body and in a physical world. Many of them are ETs. They lived on planets, on spaceships, did their own things, etc.
These beings come in with protection against accumulating karma. Do the job and get out without getting stuck here. They come into this world as a baby. They have to adjust the energy of the mother to accept the baby with the ET.
Regarding the three waves.
First wave came in after first bomb was dropped. They had the hardest time adjusting. They're in there 60s. Her first book "Keepers of the Garden" shows the first case of this. The first wave doesn't want to be here. They don't understand the violence and why we have to hurt each other. They always ay I want to go home. They can't understand strong emotions like hate, strong love, anger, violence. They don't understand people. They believe they're a stranger in this land. I doesn’t make sense they're here. This energy has to be here as we move into a new earth.
The Second Wave they fall into 20s, 30s, 40s. They don't have as hard of a time as the first time did. It's like this cause the first wavers paved the way for them.
Second wavers don't like to be around other people. The work from home and want to stay away from other people. Both waves usually don't want to have children. They want to do their job and get out. Dolores has found that some of the second wave IS having children.
Our DNA is being changed for us to move into a new frequency.
Dolores saw something on CNN where scientists say 100 million children have been misdiagnosed with ADD/ADHD. When there's nothing wrong with these kids. The problem is they're bored.

She said she asked about eggs and sperm and the ETs said these will never be the same as now. They're taking samples and sending them to other worlds to help them.
She said abductions are mainly for checking the health of the humans. That they're adapting or if they need adjustments to the body. If you think about it that way, then they're simply taking care of their own people. Implants are monitoring devices to find these people so they can check on them. It’s simply a monitoring device. Dolores hopes that we see this as a change in viewpoint and see we are not victims that we're cared for.
All of this is important because we are moving into the new earth. This time (after Atlantis) they don't want to destroy the civilization. They want us to build what we have up. They want us to be a part of the galactic thing because we could provide invaluable ideas.
They say the earth itself is a living being. Everything is alive...tables, chairs, carpet... in the fibers of the rugs are universes.
The earth is moving into its next incarnation. The vibrations and frequencies of earth are changing and are moving into the next dimension. It's a gradual process. If we want to go with it, we have to change our own vibrations and frequencies to go with it. All of our frequencies have been changing starting around 2003. This is a slow and gradual change. This change ... has already happened. She says we can feel these changes. one of symptoms is high blood pressure, heart palps, headaches, dizziness for several days, depression, joint aches and pains. All of this happens slowly and separately. Ringing in ears is another. They will turn it down if you tell them it's too much. Not everyone will go into the new earth. Some will go with new, positive earth and others will stay with the old, negative earth. Revelations is bible talks about this "new heaven and new earth". The ETs say we will believe it when we see it. Ppl tend to ask that I see all this negativity so am I in the negative world?

I really enjoyed this presentation. There were moments when I kind of heard this voice in my head that said "you need to focus and listen to what she has to say!"

1 comment:

  1. Love Delores...keep up the buzz lady!!
    Help us to get free with free energy!
